Sunday, January 3, 2010

Thierry Henry's Hand Sent France Into World Cup 2010

18th November 2009
Gallas goal during extra time.

Henry set Gallas up after first controlling the flying ball by HIS HAND, yes, by HIS HAND, deliberately. Yet it seemed to be overlooked by the referee. So, France equalized and Republic of Ireland had to be eliminated. This has stirred up a lot of controversies, e.g. ban Henry from World Cup or play a rematch. But it is now assured that France are going to World Cup.

You can take a look at this video: Thierry Henry handball against Ireland.

A few days after that incident, a friend of mine broke me into laughter when he sent me a link to this completely hilarious game about that handball. This game was created by T-Enterprise. Take a look at this:

That's hilarious, but now it's not worth any space of the papers because the World Cup drawing has already been done.

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